Angola is undoubtedly a country blessed by nature. It is difficult to know what your greatest wealth among his people - with all its cultural richness, its beauty and natural resources.
A friendly and hospitable people, an incredible variety of landscapes and a dynamic culture and captivating make Angola a country that is worth exploring. “To our rivers, our lakes, our mountains At, forests we will be back” * In terms of tourism can be said that Angola is a diamond in the rough, with a huge potential untapped.
Consider this: how many countries can boast in its territory to gather such a wide variety of landscapes, climates ... Beautiful beaches, mountains, rainforests, the Namib Desert ... Add to this one incredibly rich flora and fauna and have one of the destinations most promising tourists in Africa and the world.
Ecotourism, extreme sports, photographic safaris and ethnographic are some of the aspects of tourism with almost guaranteed success, since the main conditions already exist: waterfalls, fast, natural parks, rainforests, etc. .
River mouth Chiloango, Cabinda.
Slit Tundavala, Lubango, Huila.
Monument of the Battle of Cuito-Cuanavale Kubango.
Have many beautiful place to see, so don't forget to come visit.
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